Monday, December 6, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 2 - Chapter 7

 Chapter 7

Choice 1
“I’d say that’s certainly a possibility.”
“I’d be more inclined to think that he linked himself to the spirit incorrectly.”
“I don’t think it’s related. He probably just got born this way.”

Choice 2
“Alright then. Go ahead and cast the spell!”
“I’ll pass. I really don’t like the idea of being vulnerable against suggestion magic.”

Choice 3
Bow my head and ask for help
“Fine, I’ll do it myself, then.”
“Hey, you’re the hero, not me. Isn’t saving cities supposed to be your job?”
“You know what? On second thought, screw the cities.”

Choice 4
“Actually, for all we know, he may also be visiting other groups of mags.”
“He seems to really enjoy messing with Daren’s head.”
“From what I understand, it may be because I’m a half-Iessathi.”

Choice 5 - If you offered to take care of the Iessathi in Chapter 1:
"What about the meeting room? Is there anyone inside it right now?"
    Premonition check level 4
    If you fail: you die

"Can you sense any tunnels that are not on the king's map?" (Choice 5.1)

Choice 5.1
"I think you're worrying over nothing."
    Premonition check level 4
    If you fail: you die
"I agree. What if they already know that the king's servant was being followed?"

Choice 5.2 - If you pass premonition stat check:
"Well, why don't you throw a rock, and see for yourself if it explodes, then?"
"It's certainly reliable enough to not want to risk my life by ignoring it."

Hearing check level 2
Ancient languages level 3
If you pass: Achievement unlocked: Found the culprit

Choice 6
Attack the first Iessathi that gets close to me.
    Strength check level 3
    Combat technique check level 3
    Speed check level 3
    If you fail: you die
Wait for Leila's signal. 

Choice 7
Try to distract the Iessathi by telling him about Eiden's message (Achievement unlocked: Message delivered)
Wait for Leila's signal.
    Toughness check level 4
    If you pass: Achievement unlocked: One tough cookie
    If you fail: you die

Choice 8
Kill the Iessathi. (You die)
Let her handle it.

Choice 9
Take the device. 
Refuse the king's offer.

Achievement unlocked: Just an average assassin (no stat points used up to this point)

Achievements in this chapter:

Just an average assassin - Complete King Golmyck's mission without having any points invested in your stats
~Just don't use stats in this chapter. If you are not doing the AJ path, do not pass any stat checks.

Found the culprit - Find out who sabotaged Golmyck's telepathic message decice

Message delivered - Deliver Eiden's still winter message to its rightful recipients

One tough cookie - Survive the powerful grip of a giant stone hand, without getting crushed

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