Monday, December 6, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 2 - Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Choice 1
Keep trying to talk to her
Grab her by the arms, and try to shake her out of the trance

Choice 2
Kneel before the God of Time
Stand my ground
Stand my ground and insult the God of Time

Choice 3
Try to get the God of Time’s attention, so he’ll focus on me, instead of Flower.
Leave the God of Time alone. He will surely stop by himself, eventually.

Choice 4
Attack the banshee right now, while she is still in the process of awakening (You die)
Wait for the banshee to attack my parents, before going in for the kill

Choice 5
Try to save my parents again (Achievement u
nlocked: A hidden truth)

Let my parents die

Choice 6
Keep trying to save my parents
Let my parents die

Choice 7
“Both, I guess?...”
“The ones that are still inside their rituals, obviously.”

Choice 8
“Just what is it, exactly, that you are finding so funny?”
“Is this seriously what passes off as entertainment to you?”
“You really are starting to get on my nerves, you know that?”

Choice 9
“I thought you were just bored, and decided to bring me along on a whim.”
“I still don’t understand how you can find entertainment in such things…”

Choice 10
“But I want to see it!”
“I suppose it would be better to skip it, then.”
“Could you show me Diane’s discussion with her brother, instead, then?”

Choice 11
“What kind of test are you talking about?”
“Why would the Iessathi have direct access to the Magium?”
“How do you think the Iessathi might have gotten subconsciously linked to the Magium?”

Choice 12
“Then how about bringing us to the actual start of the Iessathi meeting?”
“Can we just skip directly to the important parts then?”

Choice 13
“I’d say not much, given what we’ve heard from Golmyck.”
“What I’m wondering is if she had a hand in the shutting down of the Beacon.”
“Well, Diane is no longer wearing a collar, so some things have definitely changed.”

Choice 14 R
“That’s terrible…”
“Seems fair.”
“What about the cases where nothing really bad happened to the slaves afterwards?”

Choice 15
“If you think she’s scared now, then you should have seen her earlier…”
“Trust me, if you’d have gone through what we just did, you’d be panicking like that too.”
“Actually, you have a pretty uneasy look too. Did something happen during your ritual?”

Choice 16 R
Encourage Rose in her decision (Achievement unlocked: Supportive friend)
Try to convince Rose that her plan is too dangerous
Tell Rose that her plan sounds stupid

Choice 16 N
Place myself between the revenant and Daren, in order to defend her
Let Daren and Hadrik handle the situation

Choice 17
"Why is Ulruk so suspicious, when it comes to the God of Time?"
"Can't Ulruk just read the revenant's aura, to see if she's lying, like Eiden does?"
"How did the revenant manage to come here, if she was locked inside a temple?"

Hearing check level 7

Choice 18 N
Try to explain to Flower that the revenant wasn't bothered by her
Let them sort their problems by themselves

Choice 19 - If Cutthroat Dave is alive:
Ask Melindra if I can have Cutthroat Dave's items.
Let Melindra do whatever she wants with the items.

Achievement unlocked: The elephant in the room

Ancient languages check level 4

Choice 20
“Never mind the history lesson. Any idea who might be attacking the city?”
“Should I take it that we are still in Varathia, then?”
“How do these towers work, exactly?”

Choice 21
Attack past-Arraka with my dagger (You die)
    Achievement unlocked: Madman
Try to stall for time, in the hopes that the others can come up with a plan

Choice 22
“Actually, we were sent here against our own will.”
“We came here to save you all from this great threat!”
“Sorry, we only came here on vacation.”

Achievement unlocked: Cutthroat vs god

Achievements in this chapter:

Supportive friend - Encourage a friend who just had an epiphany and wants to change their life for the better.

Madman - Attack Arraka with a dagger for the second time, and live to tell the tale.
~Rose should be dead by the end of Book 1.
~In Chapter 6, choice 4, let Melindra take a look at your stat device.
She will tell you the secret code. 
~In Chapter 9, when the revenant contacts you, keep the channel open on your side.
~Max your hearing stat at the start of Chapter 10 or when the revenant asks you to activate the secret code.
~In Choice 21, attack past-Arraka with your dagger. 
The revenant will save you.

Cutthroat vs god - Witness an epic confrontation between a cutthroat and a god.
~Let Cutthroat Dave live in Book 1.
You need to have the necessary stats in order to spare him or else Eiden will kill him.
This will trigger at the end of the chapter.

Average Joe 2 - Finished the first two books without leveling up a single stat.
~You know the drill.

A hidden truth - Find out what happened to Barry's biological parents.

The elephant in the room - There's always that one guy who can't take a hint and who doesn't realize that some things are better left unsaid.
~In Book 1, chapter 3, do not pass the stat check during the ambush and let Kate get injured. 
This will lead to her having a burn scar when fighting Tyrath the dragon later on.
~Let Dave live in Book 1. 
~Watch the dialogue unfold. 

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