Saturday, December 25, 2021

Magium Walkthroughs Book 3 - Chapter 4

 Chapter 4

At this point your stat booster works if you broke it and the 3 stats (Bluff/Aura concealment, Magical sense and aura hardening) have been added.

Choice 1
See the introduction
Skip the introduction

Choice 2
Invest points now
Invest points later

Choice 2.1 - AJ path (broke the device)
"I'm not spending any points. I'll only start investing them when it's absolutely necessary."
"Listen, the stat device was always just a backup plan. I don't want to start relying on it."
"Not on this save slot. I'm using this one for the Average Joe achievement." (Achievement unlocked: Fourth wall demolisher)

Choice 3
“Did she also teach you how to cast it?”
“What is the name of the spell? Do they teach it in any of the manuals?”

Choice 4
Give up and let Illuna cooperate with Breynan to disarm the trap
    Magical sense check level 3
    If Illuna is injured: you die

Keep insisting on convincing Illuna to wake Flower up

Choice 5
“What makes you think that this secret corridor will lead us to the surface?”
“Do you think it’s possible that this person detected us and went to get reinforcements?”
“Was this person a mage? What do you think they were doing down here?”

Choice 6
Cut the chains with my dagger and free Alice’s father
Don’t cut the chains and leave Alice’s father on the metal table/Ask Melindra what's wrong (if you had the premonition last chapter)

Choice 7
“I say we should focus on finding the exit, for the time being.”
“We have to find the control room, first. We can’t just leave these people here like this.”

Choice 8
“I agree. The secret passage is probably our best option right now.” (Choice 9 N)
“I still think that listening to the Overseer in this case might be a bad idea." (You die if Rose is dead since Illuna is injured) (Choice 9 R)

Choice 9 R
Try to convince them that we are the new guards tasked to defend this corridor.
    Aura concealment check level 4
    If passed: Achievement unlocked: A master of deception
Try to convince them that we are the new cleaners.
    Bluff check level 2
    Aura concealment check level 3
Tell them it's none of their business. 
    Hearing check level 3
    If fail: you die

Choice 10 R
Try to contact Rose.
Suggest that it would be better if Kate froze the spinning blades instead. (You die.)

Magical sense check level 4

Choice 11 R
Tell Melindra to cast her air currents spell on me, so I can fly and stab the drones.
    Aura hardening check level 4
Pick up some rocks from the ground and throw them at the drones.
    Strength check level 3
    If passed: Achievement unlocked: Rock throwing champion
Try to shoot the drones with my crossbow.
    Observation check level 2
Tell the others to attack the drones with everything they've got while they are stunned. (You die.)

Choice 9 N or you still chose to follow the overseer:
Let Kate kill Billy Bob.
Kill Billy Bob myself.
Stop Kate from killing Billy bob and ask him to beg for his life.
Stop Kate from killing Billy Bob and ask him to tell us where the control room is.
Stop Kate from killing Billy Bob and go knock him out.
    Premonition check level 3
    Aura hardening level 3
    If you pass: Choice 9.3

Choice 9.1
Tell Kate she can kill him now.
Kill him.
Try to get the Iessathi to give me full control of all the devices in Ollendor. (Choice 9.2)

Choice 9.2
Go to the table.
    Premonition check level 3
    Aura hardening check level 3
Kill Billy Bob.

Choice 9.3
"Yes, but if we kill him, we'll be just as bad as he is!"
"I do have a reason, actually. You'll see why I did it if you wait a few more seconds." (Choice 9.4)

Choice 9.4 N
"Sounds like a plan!" (Achievement unlocked: A hidden alliance)
"I'm not sure if I fully agree with this arrangement, but I will kill Billy Bob for you."
"Actually, after hearing all of this, I think I'd rather keep Billy Bob alive."

Choice 9.4 R
"No. If you want him dead, kill him yourself."
"Sure. Why not?"

Achievements in this chapter:

Fourth wall demolisher - Did you ever break the 4th wall so hard that you felt you could almost see through the cracks?

A hidden alliance - Form a secret alliance with a potential new king of Ollendor.

A master of deception - Your quick wit and improvisation skills are second to none. Nobody is better at lying than you.

Rock throwing champion - Defeat a very powerful adversary using only a rock taken from the ground.

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