Monday, December 6, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 3 - Chapter 3

 Chapter 3

Choice 1
“We only care about killing the king. Nothing else.”
“We do care about what happens with the city after the king’s death, actually.”

Choice 2
“What kind of food do you guys have in this place?”
“Are we free to roam around as we please, while we’re here?”
“Could we get a guided tour of your underground base?”

Choice 3 
“Melindra and I are not in a relationship.”
“Uh, yes… of course! A relationship is exactly what we are in, Melindra and I!”

Choice 3.1 (If you did not sleep with Melindra):
"It's no problem!"
"Actually, Kate and I are just friends."
"Actually, I'd prefer to focus on winning the Magium, without any distractions."

Premonition check level 4
If passed: Achievement unlocked: Ominous foreshadowing

Your stat device is temporarily unusable from this point if you didn't break it before.

Choice 4
“Isn’t there a way to crack the code without using brute force?”
“Is there anyone aside from the higher ranked Iessathi who might know the code?”
“Why do you think the aura stats are less protected than the magical stats?”

Choice 5
“Well, it’s the least she could do after using one of my techniques without my permission.”
“She did? That’s funny. I could have sworn that she only just called me a loser and a moron.”
“There truly is no greater purpose in life than to be praised by a spirit in an amulet."

Choice 6
“I don’t get it. Is this happening right now, or is it a recording?”
“Looks like the Overseer isn’t the only one who knows where listening devices are.”
“Eiden sure isn’t hiding the fact that he’s constantly watching us, is he?”

Choice 7
“I see that Eiden is also suspecting the Overseer of being smarter than it looks.”
“So, what do you suppose are those ‘hidden aspects’ that Eiden was talking about?
“Why do you suppose that the Overseer was so evasive with its answers?”

Choice 8
“It’s because Wilhelm was a wimp. Just like every other assassin.”
“It’s because I am simply unbeatable.”
“There were far bigger threats than an assassin on that battlefield, I assure you.”

Choice 9
“Does this whole situation seem familiar to anyone else, or is it just me?”
“We know him, but we wouldn’t really call him a friend.”
“He’s helped us  before, but he mostly does it on a whim.”

Choice 10
“Did you manage to unlock all of the aura stats?”
“How long should it normally take until it starts working again?”
“Are there any unwanted side-effects that I should be worrying about?” 

Achievement unlocked: An unexpected bonus
If you get this achievement, your stats have been reset but with the same points.

Choice 11
“Sure you can come! The more, the merrier!”
“Wait, how did you know where to find us?”
“Have you been listening to us this whole time?”

Choice 12
“Shouldn’t we at least let Daren know where we’re going?”
“Alright, let’s move.”

Choice 13
“Melindra, you’re not sensing any of the royal guards nearby, right?”
“Let’s hope, that we’ll have more luck getting useful information out of it than Eiden.”
“Breynan, remember that we will have questions to ask too, so don’t take too long.”

Choice 14
“Yes, can you stop calling us Barry/Felran/Cutthroat Dave?”
“Why are you helping us assassinate your own king?”
“Why did you interrupt your conversation with Eiden all of a sudden, earlier today?”

Choice 15
Aim to incapacitate, without killing anyone
Kill only if necessary
Kill everyone who attacks me

Choice 16
Fly towards Leila and carry her back to our group
Fly towards the man with the trident, and try to kill him (Achievement unlocked: A job well done!)

Choice 17
“As long as he can only cast dizziness spells, we shouldn’t need to worry about him.”
“Do you think we should go and look for him?”
“At least we know where he’ll be coming from, if he tries to attack us.”

Achievement unlocked: An unforeseen premonition 

Achievements in this chapter:

Ominous foreshadowing - Were you perhaps expecting something less vague?

An unexpected bonus - Not all mistakes lead to misfortune.
~You need to break your stat device in Chapter 1 by forcefully trying to unlock it.
This will trigger when you reach this chapter.

A job well done! - Congratulations! You managed to find the only death scene in this chapter. (You were doing it on purpose, right?)
~Do not let Illuna cast the anti-dizziness spell on you in Book 2.
~Make the right choice and this will appear.

An unforeseen premonition - Hint: Your stat device will not help you here.
~Rose needs to be alive at the end of Book 1. 

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